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Transportadora de Gas del Norte: Paradigm change in its way of working

July, 2023

Transportadora de Gas del Norte embarked on a challenging project: the construction of its new offices. This initiative represented much more to them than a simple move: it was a paradigm shift in their way of working.

From MP we had the privilege of accompanying TGN in a process that transcended a change of location, therefore, from the first meeting, we immersed ourselves in the universe of the company, understanding its needs and aspirations. We became confident of their objectives and from there, the Project team set out to design a space that will reflect your new vision.

Guided by a people-centric approach, we conceived a design that allowed TGN to feel comfortable in the new spaces, breaking down the physical barriers of its old compartmentalized offices, but maintaining a certain regularity and structure, while fostering collaboration, flexibility and well-being.

The design process was a constant synergy , where the proposals were nourished by the contributions of the client. Together we explored different alternatives, evaluating the feasibility and functionality of each concept, until arriving at a project that aroused enthusiasm and emotion.

As the work progressed, we witnessed the transformation of a physical space into an inspiring environment and new ways of working.

Once TGN inhabited its offices, we observed how the new identity came to life and how everything that had been projected was embodied in each space. The offices began to reflect his essence, his vision and his values, his spirit of innovation and flexibility, finally creating a inspiring environment for all its collaborators.

Contact Us

+54 11 5263 7097
Av. Juan B. Justo 637 7th floor
C1425FSA - CABA - Argentina
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